About BGN
For over 10 years BGN has provided Tier 1 IT networks for the most exacting sporting teams and live global events. However complex the event and wherever it travels around the globe, the BGN network is always ready.
Why BGN Elements?
Because after years of working on location with sports federations and teams to provide tier 1 IT networks to support live multi-replay and data analysis, we knew there was a better way.
To create compelling stories many thousands of interactive, real-time components have to be combined. Race timing and complex telemetry must be rapidly correlated with the many live video and audio feeds (onboards, RF and fixed). Yet disparate legacy production systems require too many manual processes to verify the accuracy and context of crucial decisions, causing controversy. When working live, team strategists, stewards, race or match officials and the tv production teams can now benefit by using the same data.
Emerging new technologies including ultra-low latency networking, cloud computing and AI/ML drove us at BGN to take a new and unique approach to solve these challenges. The key is working data-first rather than trying to play catch-up using typical replay processes.
Using Elements everything is managed as data, which enables automated logging, better incite and an objective context for every decision. Nothing is lost and every element is continuously synchronised and normalised upstream. Elements provides a next-generation live data platform with timestamping to enable new multi-pass AI/ML processes, live event tagging, and integral live HD browse.
Who is BGN Elements used by?
Forward-thinking sports federations, rights holders, global producers, and their service providers who need a more joined-up and lower-cost approach to both event management and media production.
Global sports series that move location throughout the season and where the operator is seeking to deploy their staff and facilities most efficiently. BGN Elements’ hybrid-cloud architecture works on location and remotely. The team can all be in the same room and on the other side of the world.
Benefit by using Elements as a single platform to provide live content, live data and media tools for team performance management, mission control and digital media production.
‘Multi Ball’ sports where simultaneous stories unfold within each race or tournament as the sporting action develops, such as sailing, motor racing, tennis and golf. Wherever the key action rapidly shifts away from the current leader Elements has it covered from every angle.
Next-generation E-Sports using virtual and augmented reality are increasingly data-driven. Higher-resolution video production needs to be faster and more accurate than traditional broadcast presentation and replay processes.
Elements Live Archive means matches and races can be re-run later whilst working as-live to review the strategic and performance decisions taken on the ground. This allows unique inter-match or race analysis within a single tournament or the whole season. Every angle from every match or race, at every data point. An instant and detailed comparison over many years of content and data. Elements provides a repository of highlights where nothing is lost provides always-on post-tournament access, to create new hybrid content steams for rapidly expanding 24/7 digital outlets, SVOD and social media.
BGN has deployed Elements at scale for the world’s leading motor racing grand Prix tournament where it is in use throughout the season.
BGN on Location
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